
Install Flask-Jeroboam

I publish Flask-Jeroboam to PyPI, the Python Package Index, and as such, it is easily installable using one of the following commands, depending and your tooling for dependency management:

$ poetry add flask-jeroboam

With that command, you have installed Flask-Jeroboam with its two direct dependencies, Flask and Pydantic and their own dependencies tree (check it out here).


We highly recommend installing Flask-Jeroboam in a virtual environment. If you need directions on how to do that check out the Setting Things Up section of our tutorial for more information.


Installing Flask-Jeroboam will automatically install these packages along with their dependencies:

  • Flask the web framework heavy lifting is still performed by Flask.

  • Pydantic to provide data validation using Python type annotations.

These two direct dependencies come with their own dependencies tree. In total, you will have up to 9 new packages installed. There is a nice poetry command to explore that tree. It goes like this:

$ poetry show flask-jeroboam --tree
flask-jeroboam 0.1.0b0 A Flask extension, inspired by FastAPI that uses Pydantic to provide easy-to-configure data validation for request parsing and response serialization.
├── flask >=2.1.3,<3.0.0
│   ├── click >=8.0
│   │   └── colorama *
│   ├── itsdangerous >=2.0
│   ├── jinja2 >=3.0
│   │   └── markupsafe >=2.0
│   └── werkzeug >=2.2.2
│       └── markupsafe >=2.1.1 (circular dependency aborted here)
└── pydantic >=1.10.2,<2.0.0
   └── typing-extensions >=4.2.0

Testing your installation

Let’s make sure you set up everything correctly. Create and open a simple file at the root of your project:

 1from flask_jeroboam import Jeroboam
 4app = Jeroboam(__name__)
 8def ping():
 9    return "pong"
12if __name__ == "__main__":

Running this file should start a server on localhost:5000. You can hit that endpoint with the command curl 'http://localhost:5000/ping' or directly in your browser by going to http://localhost:5000/ping. If either answer with “pong”, your installation is functional, and you are ready to jump to our Getting Started Guide.

Uninstall Flask-Jeroboam

Removing Flask-Jeroboam from your project’s dependencies is as straightforward as adding it to your project:

$ poetry remove flask-jeroboam